2015 Calendars: Religions: Jewish 5775-5776
(Every effort has been made to assure that the dates below are correct)
Jewish Holidays 2015 / 5775
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Tu B'Shvat (*begins at sundown)
February 03, 2015
The Jewish holiday is known as the New Year for the Trees. Celebrated on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Shvat, Tu B'Shvat is a time to show respect for plants, trees and all of nature. Traditional foods include dried fruits and nuts.
Ta'Anit Ester (*begins at sundown)
March 03, 2015 (Sunday)
Purim (*begins at sundown)
March 04, 2015
The most festive of Jewish holidays which commemorates a major victory over oppression and is recounted in the Megillah, the scroll of the story of Esther. (more info:
Purim on the Net)
Passover (*begins at sundown)
April 03, 2015
The eight-day Jewish holiday of Passover, celebrating the delivery of Jews from slavery in Egypt. (more info:
Passover on the Net)
Lag B'Omer (*begins at sundown)
May 06, 2015
This Jewish holiday, which begins tonight at sundown, dates back to the Talmudic period and is celebrated on the 33rd day after Passover. The holiday commemorates a temporary victory by the Jewish forces over the Romans.
Shavuot (*begins at sundown)
May 23, 2015
Today is the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, commemorating the anniversary of G-d giving the Torah to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai. The holiday also marks the harvest of the first summer fruits.
(more info:
Shavuot on the Net)
Tisha B'Av (*begins at sundown)
July 25, 2015
This Jewish holiday mourns the destruction of the First and Second Holy Temples in Jerusalem in 586 BCE and 70 CE. Many commemorate the day by fasting and by reciting a mournful liturgy.
Jewish Holidays 2015 / 5776
Rosh Hashanah (*begins at sundown - Jewish New Year)
September 13, 2015
The start of the Jewish New Year, which will be celebrated over two consecutive days. Rosh Hashana begins a ten-day period of repentance and spiritual renewal. (more info:
Rosh Hashanah on the Net)
Yom Kippur (*begins at sundown)
September 22, 2015
Tonight begins the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. On Yom Kippur, known as the Day of Atonement, Jews spend the day fasting and praying to atone for their sins. The holiday ends tomorrow night. ((more info:
Yom Kippur on the Net)
Sukkot (*begins at sundown)
September 28, 2015
This weeklong Jewish holiday, also known as the Feast of the Tabernacles, begins tonight. On Sukkot, Jewish people build temporary booths in which they eat and even sleep. (more info:
Sukkot on the Net)
Chanukah (*begins at sundown)
December 06, 2015
The start of the Jewish holiday of Chanukah, which commemorates religious freedom, national pride and the 2nd century BCE victory of the Maccabees over the Greeks. Jewish people mark this eight-day holiday by lighting the menorah, an eight-branched candelabra, and eating foods fried in oil such as potato latkes and jelly donuts. (more info:
Chanukah on the Net)
*Because the Jewish day begins and ends at sundown,
most holidays begin at sundown.
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