Archive for the "Crafts" Category

Read Across America Day Book Cover Collage Kid’s Art Activity

Are you looking for a fun-filled, family-friendly way to mark Read Across America Day? Help your littles to learn about literacy while getting artsy! This creative kids craft can help your child to celebrate a special day, build early literacy skills, improve fine motor abilities and engage in an imaginative art activity. Arts and Crafts Materials You'll Need Large poster board paper in white or a light colorMarkers, crayons or colored pencilsConstruction paperTissue paperScissorsClear-drying school glue How-To Art-Making Steps Choose a favorite storybook. Let your child browse your at-home book selection or visit the local library to find the just-right...

President’s Day Book Craft for Kids

Celebrate President's Day with a kids' book-making activity! Your child can learn about famous figures from history and get crafty when they try this easy, artsy idea. Start by choosing one president to research. Visit the local library or look up the president online. Gather a few fun facts and you're ready to take the next step and start crafting a biographical book. Arts and Crafts Materials You'll Need Cardboard- Reuse the sides of an old box instead of buying brand-new board.ScissorsA hole punchMarkers, crayons or colored pencilsConstruction paperClear-drying school glue or a glue stickYarn How-To Art-Making Steps Cut the...

Paper Plate President’s Day Mask Craft for Kids

Celebrate President's Day with a cute and creative costume craft for kids! Your kiddo can make their very own Abraham Lincoln, George Washington or other favorite president mask with a few everyday art materials. This kids' craft is perfect for preschoolers and young elementary school-aged children. Check out the easy how-to steps that can help your little one to mark this important day. Arts and Crafts Materials You'll Need A dinner-sized paper plateA wide craft stickMasking tapeMarkersScissorsYarnClear-drying school glueCard stock paper How-To Art-Making Steps Cut the center part out of the plate. This should leave a ring large enough to...

Upcycled Mardi Gras Mask Craft for Kids

Make your own Mardi Gras mask with recycled materials! Help your child to learn more about the environment, while celebrating a holiday. This easy, artsy idea is perfect for preschoolers, kindergartners and older children. Arts and Crafts Materials You'll Need Cardboard- Search your home for cardboard sources to upcycle. Use cereal boxes, cracker boxes, shoe boxes or any other similar source. Old gift wrap- Gather together scraps or used older gift wrap sheets. These could include solid colors, patterns or holiday prints.Recycled straws or chop sticksScissorsMarkersClear-drying school glueMasking tape How-To Mask-Making Steps Draw a mask-shaped design onto the cardboard. Your...

Last-Minute Valentine’s Day Card Crafts for Kids

Are you looking for a last-minute Valentine's Day greeting card craft? Your kiddos haven't heart-fully crafted cards for grandma, grandpa or anyone else in your family. Before you rush out to buy ready-made cards, check out these easy art ideas to try right now! Recycled Card Crafts You have a stack of old Christmas, birthday and other holiday cards at home. Reuse the paper and upcycle old cards into new Valentine's greetings. Choose colorful, family-friendly cards and help your child cut them into smaller heart-shaped pieces. Cut a large piece of cardboard from the front of a cereal, cracker or...

3 Glitter Alternatives to Give a Valentine’s Day Card Box Shine

Your kiddo wants to decorate their Valentine's Day card holder box with glitter galore. But you know the sparkles won't stay stuck to the sides and top of the box. How can your little love add a not-so-subtle shine to their card holder without actually using glitter? Check out these glitter-free ways to add some serious sparkle to this kids' craft. Metallic Paint You're on the hunt for an arts and crafts material that will really stick to the sides of your child's Valentine's Day card box. Instead of glitter and glue, try metallic paint. This type of tempera paint...

3 Groundhog Day Activities for Kids

Is winter ending soon--or will the cold and snow continue? Groundhog Day may just answer this question! If you're looking for a way to celebrate this season-centered day with your kiddo, take out these fun-filled family activity ideas. Groundhog Cookies Bake up a batch of groundhog-themed cookies. Choose your favorite sugar cookie recipe or use a boxed mix. Add a coating of chocolate frosting to create the groundhog's fur. Your child can use other colors of icing, sprinkles, licorice strands and other candies to "draw" a face on the cookie! Shadow Play Will the groundhog see his shadow or not?...

Lincoln’s Birthday Penny Activity for Kids

Celebrate Lincoln's Birthday with a crafty coin activity! Start with a few pennies and discuss the presidential face the coin contains with your child. If your little learner doesn't know much about Lincoln, read an age-appropriate children's book about the famed historical figure or do some Internet research with your kiddo. After your child learns more about Lincoln, they're ready for the art-making. Materials You'll Need for the Art Activity PenniesPaper- Choose a thin paper, such as printer paper.Optional- Extra pieces of paper. Use different thicknesses of paper to explore and experiment with the coin rubbing concept. Crayons- Unwrap the...

Faux Rose Heart Kids’ Valentine’s Day Card Craft

Your child can get crafty and send a Valentine's Day greeting that's completely heart-felt! Instead of buying ready-made cards this year, help your kiddo craft their own rose-covered version. This arts and crafts activity is perfect for preschoolers and elementary school-aged children. Arts and Crafts Materials You'll Need Cardboard- Reuse the side of an old box.ScissorsMarkersRed and pink tissue paperConstruction paperClear-drying school glueA paintbrush How-To Art-Making Steps Draw a heart shape onto the cardboard. Cut the heart out. If the board is thick, you may need to cut out the shape for your young child.Cover each side of the heart...

Kids’ Multi-Media Heart Collage Valentine’s Day Art Activity

Your creative kiddo can craft a heart-filled artwork to celebrate Valentine's Day! This multi-media collage project is perfect for kids in preschool and up. If you're looking for a fun-filled activity to display at your family's holiday party or give to friends as a homemade gift, read on for the how-to steps. Arts and Crafts Materials You'll Need Cardboard- Reuse an old cereal or cracker box instead of buying new board.ScissorsMarkersTissue paperTempera paintA paintbrushClear-drying school glue How-To Art-Making Steps Cut the side or front from an old cardboard box. The cardboard should have at least one plain side--without writing, print,...