Make a Reading Nook for International Literacy Day

Celebrate International Literacy Day with book. Okay, that’s not exactly a groundbreaking idea. But cuddling up with your kiddo and spending together-time reading isn’t always easy. To start with, you may not have the “perfect” spot. If you need a quiet place to sit and read, check out these book nook ideas.
Pillow Fort
Gather together as many pillows as possible and pile them up in the middle of the living room floor. Hang a sheet over tables or make tent posts with a coat rack. Now you have a comfy, cozy pillow fort to celebrate International Literacy Day in!
Window Seat
The natural light coming in through your windows is perfect for reading to your child in. If you don’t have an actual window seat, pull a few chairs up and make your own.
Bean Bags
Bean bag chairs aren’t just relics from a decade long-gone. They’re comfortable, and affordable, seating ideas. Get one bean bag for you and one for your child. Put them close together and make a puffy reading nook space.
Kitchen Set-Up
Turn your kitchen table into a spacious place to read. Pile the books up on it, and let your kiddo pick and choose which one to start with.