Dela Torre Gen 3The Dark Half: Michael Myers 2 Masks RZ with Innershells
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Dela Torre Gen 3The Dark Half: Michael Myers 2 Masks RZ with Innershells:
Dela Torre: GENERATION 3 The Dark Half: Michael Myers: 2 Masks Rob Zombie with Innershell
Get your Dela Torre The Dark Half Masks just in time for Halloween. This set includes both masks with inner shells.Generation 3 from DT himself. Custom paint, beard, blood, and eye inserts.
Do not contact me say stuff like "hey bro, why are these at this price." - My reply will be because I will price this at whatever price I want to! It's obvious you can't afford it to begin with.
Serious buyers only.Must have 100% ratings. Not anything lower than that, I won't waste my time.
I have 10 DT Dark Half with inner shells in my collection and need to get rid of at least 3 masksThey need a new home!
Contact me for questions. Serious questions only and not BS "hey bro or crap like that." I'm not your bro you idiot.
Dela Torre Gen 3The Dark Half: Michael Myers 2 Masks RZ with Innershells:
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