THE HONOLULU CABINET queen liliuokalani vtg royal hawaiian hula music piano desk

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THE HONOLULU CABINET queen liliuokalani vtg royal hawaiian hula music piano desk:
The Kawananakoa's $200M payout portion of the now $5BJames Campbell Estate has been settled. It's over. This *$21M piece of furniture is now officially the portion of Queen Liliuokalani's Estate that got thrown away. Liliuokalani's most-prized possession. Tossed in the trash in 2006: "Broken Trust" era.
Offered here is Queen Liliuokalani's music cabinet. It tells the story of her life.
Equivalent to the Resolute Desk.
Queen Victoria had a Scotsman craft it for Liliuokalani whenPrincessKaiulani passed away in 1899.To avoid overthrow, the two queens had been secretly plotting to seat the young Scottish monarch on the throne at Iolani Palace as "Queen Victoria".Kaiulani was also known as "Hawaii's Last Hope" and "The Peacock Princess".
Over the last three Presidencies, the very highest levels of our federal government have repeatedly tried to purchase this artifact and return it to Hawaii. Hermusic cabinet isFREE to the people of Hawaii.Hawaii refuses to accept the gift.
Embarrassed, to the point of wanting this artifact destroyed, Hawaii's leading authorities refuse to acknowledgeLiliuokalani's handwriting, or that the cabinet's door is displaying the last line & summation of **Aloha 'Oe and that the backboard is very specifically referencing a musically gifted, female monarch from a tiny island kingdom who was robbed of her throne and imprisoned in the tower of a royal palace (Lady Mortimer/Catrin Owain Glyndŵr, d.1413). On top of all of this, Liliuokalani was a Shakespearean scholar. She quoted Shakespeare often, in her speeches and even in her book "Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen" in 1898, just one year before this cabinet was crafted.
Since Hawaii is refusing to accept the government's offer to purchase it, maybe Washington D.C. or the United Kingdom should bypass Hawaii altogether and just put it in the Smithsonian or the Victoria & Albert?
~~~~~January 2024 update: After a recent DNA match, turns out, likeCatrin Owain Glyndŵr (d.1413),I'm a direct descendent (the 12x grandson) of another figure from Shakespeare's HENRY IV.Sir Walter Blount (d.1403). A remarkable coincidence!
*Furniture can be Art. Google "World's most expensive furniture" to learn more. And when coupled with being a custom-designed monarchy piece that marks an event that has forever changed the course of human history, the price goes through the roof. The last monarchy piece that went up for sale (also a cabinet) sold for $36M.
**The last line of Aloha 'Oe (bird admiring a rose blossom: queen delighting to the beauty of her people) is the most famous sentence Lili'uokalani ever wrote.
We've created several products designed around her cabinet. Our portable guitar & public speaking amplifiers, kitchen backsplash & shower tiles and coffee mugs have all been big hits (Our coffee mugs re-sell for up to a $150.00 each!) But, because Aloha 'Oe means "Farewell to thee: Until we meet again", our biggest seller has been our colorfulCelebration of Lifecremationurns. We offer a nice selection of cremation urns and are constantly creating new models. Be sure to check-out our other listings to get a glimpseof what we currentlyhave to offer.
THE HONOLULU CABINET queen liliuokalani vtg royal hawaiian hula music piano desk:

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