Lighting The Kwanzaa Kinara

First Day of Kwanzaa


On the first day of Kwanzaa the black candle is lit, representing the first principle of Kwanzaa – Umoja(oo-MOH-jah): Unity.

Second Day of Kwanzaa

On the second day the black candle is again lit, as well as the farthest red candle on the left. This represents the 2nd principle of Kwanzaa –Kujichagulia (koo-jee-chah-goo-LEE-ah): Self-Determination.

Third Day of Kwanzaa

On the third day the black candle is lit, then the farthest left red, and then the farthest right green candle. This represents the 3rd principle of Kwanzaa – Ujima (oo-JEE-mah): Collective work and responsibility.

Fourth Day of Kwanzaa

On the fourth day the black candle is lit, then the farthest left red, and then the farthest right green. Then the next red candle on the left. This represents the 4th principle of Kwanzaa – Ujamaa (oo-jah-MAH):Collective economics.

Fifth Day of Kwanzaa

On the fifth day the black candle is lit, then the farthest left red, the farthest right green, the next red and then the next green candle. This represents the 5th principle of Kwanzaa – Nia (NEE-ah): Purpose.

Sixth Day of Kwanzaa

On the sixth day the black candle is lit, then the farthest left red, the farthest right green, the next red, the next green and then the final red candle. This represents the 6th principle of Kwanzaa – Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah): Creativity.

Seventh Day of Kwanzaa

On the seventh day the black candle is lit, then the farthest left red, the farthest right green, the next red candle, the next green, the final red and then the final green candle. This represents the 7th principle of Kwanzaa – Imani (ee-MAH-nee): Faith.

On the seventh and final day of Kwanzaa all candles in the Kinara are lit. When the night is done, the family takes one last drink from the Unity cup and the candles are extinguished. Kwanzaa is over till next year.

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