Play Pumpkin Paddle this Halloween

Are you thinking about getting crafty this Halloween? Why not have the kids create an imaginative art project that also doubles as a holiday-themed game. Help your little one build fine motor skills, coordination and balance while make a jack o’ lantern pumpkin seed catcher! The game requires your child to catch and keep the seeds (you can make craft seeds or use the real deal) on hand-made jack o’ lantern paddles.
- Cardboard
- Scissors
- Markers
- Orange and green construction paper (you can also use tissue paper)
- Clear-drying school glue
- Optional: Dried pumpkin seeds
- Draw the paddle shape onto a piece of cardboard. Make the paddle a circle (roughly the size of a basketball) with a rectangle at the end. Not only does this make a paddle, but the shape also looks like a pumpkin with a long stem.
- Cut the cardboard shape out.
- Cover the circle with orange construction paper. Trace the circle (from the cardboard) on to the paper, cut it out and glue it onto the cardboard.
- Repeat with the paddle’s handle, using the green paper to cover the rectangle.
- Draw a jack o’ lantern face on the orange circle or cut out pieces of black paper and glue it on.
- Make pumpkin seeds. Cut seed shapes from the cardboard. You can also use real seeds if you have them.
- Balance the pumpkin seeds on the paddle and bounce them, trying to catch them all each time – or make a math game. Add different amounts of seeds and count the ones that stay on the paddle.