Growing Trees to Celebrate Tu B’Shevat

tree growing

Celebrate the Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat, or the “New Year for Trees” with a gardening activity. Even though it’s too cold to go outside and plant, your child can still start their own sprout right now — but indoors!

What types of tree should your child should your child plant? Well, that depends on several factors. These include personal preference, availability of materials needed and space. If you’re not sure where to start, check out these easy growing options.

Avocado Tree

Remove and clean the pit from an avocado, leaving the skin (the brown part) intact. Find the top of the pit. This is the slightly thinner end. Pierce the pit with three to four toothpicks, near the middle section. Place the pit in a cup of water, bottom-side down, with the toothpicks holding the seed in place. Give the pit plenty of sunlight. When the sprout grows to six-inches tall, remove the pit from the water and plant it in a small container of soil.

Apple Tree

Before planting apple seeds you need them to germinate. Wet a paper towel, fold it around your apple seeds and place it in a sealed plastic baggie. Put the bag in the fridge, checking it every few weeks for a small sprout. Not all apple seeds will sprout. Try several to maximize your chances.

After a seed sprouts, place it in a small pot of gardening soil. In the spring move it outside. Don’t be surprised if the tree doesn’t produce fruit — not every apple tree does.

Judaica Israel Religious Trade Card Sticker The Rebbe of Aleksander Tu B'Shevat picture

Judaica Israel Religious Trade Card Sticker The Rebbe of Aleksander Tu B'Shevat


PJ Library- 4 Jewish Children’s Board Books Passover, Purim, Noah, Tu B’Shevat picture

PJ Library- 4 Jewish Children’s Board Books Passover, Purim, Noah, Tu B’Shevat
