Upcycled Purim Grogger Craft for Kids

Celebrate Purim with a homemade grogger. These noisemakers aren’t something you necessarily need to buy for your kiddo. Instead, get crafty and create your own! With a few simple how-to steps and your pick of upcycled materials, your child will create their own artsy noisemaker to use for this holiday—and every day after.
Arts and Crafts Materials You’ll Need
- 2 yogurt-sized plastic cups (thoroughly washed and dried)
- 1 dozen plastic toy building bricks pieces (upcycle old bricks your child no longer uses or the leftover odds and ends that don’t fit with their current sets)
- 2 popsicle sticks
- Duct tape
- Permanent markers
How To Art-Making Steps
- Stack the popsicle sticks and tape them together to make one thick handle.
- Place the plastic building bricks inside one of the yogurt cups.
- Tape the popsicle stick stack to the bottom of the cup’s opening. Make sure it sticks into the cup at least one inch.
- Place the second cup on top of the first one, with the open ends touching.
- Tape the cups together, with the popsicle sticks at the center.
- Continue to tape the entire surface of both cups.
- Decorate the duct tape. Your child can use the markers to add their own special holiday designs or a Purim message.

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