Bear Red Dino Poo Native American Indian Stone Effigy Art, Artifacts, Tools.
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Bear Red Dino Poo Native American Indian Stone Effigy Art, Artifacts, Tools.:
Bear Head Effigy Red Dino Dung(Coprolite ) Table Native American Artifact
13piece "Fantasy" Early Man Tool Set.Beautiful Red, Black, White & Gold CoproliteDinosaur Dung Table, ( Both Sides )Scraper, Anvil, Has Effigiesin Shape & in Red, White & Black Markings.( 1 ) Bear Head Effigy ( Shape Twice ) Native American Human Head Head, Red EyedFox, 2 Human Faces, Red Eyed Pig, Jumping Fish, Bear Teeth, Molly Fish, 2 Dog Faces,Red Eared/Red Eyed Sheep, Snake and many more
( 2 ) Scraper, Pestle, Dog in White with Several more Faces- on the Brown Side, Human Face, Cougar.& More Faces.( 3 ) Three Sided Finger Table, scraper, pestle. Over 20 faces seen in markings.(4 ) 2 sides Hand / Finger Table, Pestle, Scraper. Human Face or more on each side( Shape & Markings ) Bird, Yellow Fish, Orange Fish and lots more.( 5 ) Buffalo Scraper, Pestle Table. Three Coyote Nose Table Top. (3 Different Dogs )Two Red & White Fish, one Jumping, and more.( 6 ) Pestle, Finger Bowl, Small Table. Dog Face, Double Bird Face, Human Face ( Shape & Markings )( 7 ) Scraper, Pestle. Red Snake, Several Faces, Two Headed Red Dog and more.( 8 ) Red Burro Finger Bowl, Scraper, Pestle. ( Complete Head )( 9 ) Small Bird, Human Face Scraper.( 10 ) Smaller Desert Sheep Scraper.(11 - 13 ) small Snake Head Pestle. Red Spots, Red Lines, Orange Lines.
We Try to Ship within 3 to 5 days, Sometimes weare Out Buying or CollectingStone Artifacts.then 7 to 14 days shipping may be a necessity.
These AncientEarly Man Indian Stone Effigy Art( Artifacts )Piecesare Authentic,and havenot been alteredin anyway Since Hand Craftedso manyyears ago.SomeArtifacts haveIntricateDetail,Someare Abstract,( Some Both )Someare wellused,( Use Polish)Loved&Worshipped.Some are" New "like theyweredayMade, never Used or Traded, Smoothor Sharp.( or both )Our Camera Picturesare Taken Dry, & Wet to Show StonesTrue Mineral Colors& SeeEffigiesBetter.We have studied& Collected thisNative AmericanStoneArt over 30Years,We Study eachArtifact,Sometimes it's fast,days, sometimes weeks or evenmonths to see whateach Rock has to offer. Iwrite what'sseen, otherPeoplemay see thesame Effigies,some will see differentAnimals, People &Ancient StoneToolArtifact uses.Our " Fantasy " Early Man Effigy Tool Sets Each have a Theme,Like Color, ( or Combinations of Colors ) Style ( Shape orPatternsin Mineral ), Mineral, ( orMineralCombinations. )Petrified Wood, Coprolite, Fossils or Type of Effigiesor Location. We callthemFantasy Because these Artifacts Maynot have belonged to onePerson, Tribe or Group.OurFantasy Sets Are Real Effigy Artifacts,Carefully Studied &Selected to Fit each otherSimulating How theyCan ( & do )FitTogether &Were Loved, Worshiped & Used by Early Man.
Most of our Artifacts were Collectedfrom the SouthWesternUSA Many Years ago. We have Bought Many " Old Timer "Rock collections over the years& Inherited Two Life TimeRock Collections.We do not Collect in the Wild, Rather Relyon already CollectedRocks by Many Sources like Home Yard& Field Rock Piles, Construction Sites & Stone Yards.We also Buyat Gem& MineralClubs, Their Members & Their Mineral Shows.( Meet Members for more Collected Rocks & Rock Collections )We Respect All our Stone Artifact Specimensfor What they are.
Lots More Artifacts in our store, More to come. PLEASECheck it out. Thanks. The Stoned Rock Reader.