Bear Red Dino Poo Native American Indian Stone Effigy Art, Artifacts, Tools.

Bear Red Dino Poo Native American Indian Stone Effigy Art, Artifacts, Tools.

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Bear Red Dino Poo Native American Indian Stone Effigy Art, Artifacts, Tools.:

Bear Head Effigy Red Dino Dung(Coprolite ) Table Native American Artifact
13piece "Fantasy" Early Man Tool Set.Beautiful Red, Black, White & Gold CoproliteDinosaur Dung Table, ( Both Sides )Scraper, Anvil, Has Effigiesin Shape & in Red, White & Black Markings.( 1 ) Bear Head Effigy ( Shape Twice ) Native American Human Head Head, Red EyedFox, 2 Human Faces, Red Eyed Pig, Jumping Fish, Bear Teeth, Molly Fish, 2 Dog Faces,Red Eared/Red Eyed Sheep, Snake and many more
( 2 ) Scraper, Pestle, Dog in White with Several more Faces- on the Brown Side, Human Face, Cougar.& More Faces.( 3 ) Three Sided Finger Table, scraper, pestle. Over 20 faces seen in markings.(4 ) 2 sides Hand / Finger Table, Pestle, Scraper. Human Face or more on each side( Shape & Markings ) Bird, Yellow Fish, Orange Fish and lots more.( 5 ) Buffalo Scraper, Pestle Table. Three Coyote Nose Table Top. (3 Different Dogs )Two Red & White Fish, one Jumping, and more.( 6 ) Pestle, Finger Bowl, Small Table. Dog Face, Double Bird Face, Human Face ( Shape & Markings )( 7 ) Scraper, Pestle. Red Snake, Several Faces, Two Headed Red Dog and more.( 8 ) Red Burro Finger Bowl, Scraper, Pestle. ( Complete Head )( 9 ) Small Bird, Human Face Scraper.( 10 ) Smaller Desert Sheep Scraper.(11 - 13 ) small Snake Head Pestle. Red Spots, Red Lines, Orange Lines.
We Try to Ship within 3 to 5 days, Sometimes weare Out Buying or CollectingStone Artifacts.then 7 to 14 days shipping may be a necessity.
These AncientEarly Man Indian Stone Effigy Art( Artifacts )Piecesare Authentic,and havenot been alteredin anyway Since Hand Craftedso manyyears ago.SomeArtifacts haveIntricateDetail,Someare Abstract,( Some Both )Someare wellused,( Use Polish)Loved&Worshipped.Some are" New "like theyweredayMade, never Used or Traded, Smoothor Sharp.( or both )Our Camera Picturesare Taken Dry, & Wet to Show StonesTrue Mineral Colors& SeeEffigiesBetter.We have studied& Collected thisNative AmericanStoneArt over 30Years,We Study eachArtifact,Sometimes it's fast,days, sometimes weeks or evenmonths to see whateach Rock has to offer. Iwrite what'sseen, otherPeoplemay see thesame Effigies,some will see differentAnimals, People &Ancient StoneToolArtifact uses.Our " Fantasy " Early Man Effigy Tool Sets Each have a Theme,Like Color, ( or Combinations of Colors ) Style ( Shape orPatternsin Mineral ), Mineral, ( orMineralCombinations. )Petrified Wood, Coprolite, Fossils or Type of Effigiesor Location. We callthemFantasy Because these Artifacts Maynot have belonged to onePerson, Tribe or Group.OurFantasy Sets Are Real Effigy Artifacts,Carefully Studied &Selected to Fit each otherSimulating How theyCan ( & do )FitTogether &Were Loved, Worshiped & Used by Early Man.
Most of our Artifacts were Collectedfrom the SouthWesternUSA Many Years ago. We have Bought Many " Old Timer "Rock collections over the years& Inherited Two Life TimeRock Collections.We do not Collect in the Wild, Rather Relyon already CollectedRocks by Many Sources like Home Yard& Field Rock Piles, Construction Sites & Stone Yards.We also Buyat Gem& MineralClubs, Their Members & Their Mineral Shows.( Meet Members for more Collected Rocks & Rock Collections )We Respect All our Stone Artifact Specimensfor What they are.
Lots More Artifacts in our store, More to come. PLEASECheck it out. Thanks. The Stoned Rock Reader.

Bear Red Dino Poo Native American Indian Stone Effigy Art, Artifacts, Tools.:

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