rare islamic Safavid antique standard Alam Museums piece Dragon Muharram.

rare islamic Safavid antique standard Alam Museums piece Dragon Muharram.

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rare islamic Safavid antique standard Alam Museums piece Dragon Muharram.:

rare islamic Safavid antique standard Alam Museums piece Dragon Muharram.
Quran Verses written in Arabic script in screen cut work (jali work) all around it.
Brass Alam(religious stand) in antique gold finish.The Alam also has religious significance for Muslim and can be seen in Muharram procession observed all over the world. This is an handmade Alam with fine craftmanship.
Brass Hamsa Hand or Hand of ALI , HASSAN ,HUSSAIN is a symbol of protection in Islam. The Hamsa Hand or hand of hazrat ALI hazrat HASSAN HUSSAIN an ancient middle Eastern Talisman. It is a Talismanic(protective) symbol that people believed to protect them from harm against the evils eye and bring them goodness, abundance, fertility, luck and god health. The Alam also has religious significance for Shia Muslims and can be seen in Muharram procession observed all over the world
A great addition for your vintage art and antique lovers. Best for your collection, home décor or personal gifting.
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 40, 101, 400, 507, 605, 660, 841, 954, 1800, 1884, 1920, 1940, 1971, 1977, 2001, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 5365759, 5396882, sunday, february, &, 10k, 12er, 14k, 14kt, 1800s, 18k, 1900s, 1920s, 1930s, 1950s, 1960s, 798361nrp, 9ct, a, aalam, abandoned, abdullah, abernyte, aboriginal, about, abraham, abrahamic, abstract, abwab, accent, access, according, activities, adab, adams, adhan, adonitology, adoption, adventist, aesop, aetate, affordable, african, after, afterlife, again, against, age, aged, aging, agnostic, agnosticism, ahava, ahle, airblade, aisles, akan, akbar, al, alam, alarm, albert, aldo, alex, ali, all, allah, alloy, aluminium, aluminum, am, amazon, amber, america, american, america's, amin, amish, amliyat, ampco, ams4640, amulet, amy, an, anatta, anbiya, ancestral, ancient, and, angel, angelo, anglepoise, anglican, anglo, ani, animism, animistic, ankh, annies, anniversary, anodized, anthropologie, anti, antibacterial, antic, antiek, antimicrobial, antiq, antique, antiqued, antiques, antiques, antiquesatlas, antiquites, aoc, apostolic, apothecary, appraisals, appraiser, appraisers, aqaid, arab, arabic, archaeology, architectural, are, argint, argument, ariana, armchair, art, artifacts, artiques, artnaturals, artwork, asaad, asatru, asheri, ashley, ashoka, ashtray, ashura, aslan, astley, astm, at, atenism, atheism, atheist, atheistic, atheists, atlantis, atterbury, attic, audio, authentic, ava, aveda, aveeno, avonlea, ayatul, aziz, b, b148, b150, b505, b584, b62, baba, bagh, baguette, bahai, bahaism, baker, ball, bama, bamboo, band, bands, bangle, bankers, bantu, baptism, baptist, baptists, bar, barber, bare, bargain, barn, barometer, barrister, barry, barzakh, basic, baskets, bath, bathtub, battie, batty, bbc, beach, beaded, beads, bear, bearing, beautiful, beaver, becker, bed, bedroom, beds, bedside, bees, before, beginners, behind, belief, beliefs, believe, belinda, bell, bellah, belle, belly, ben, bench, benjamin, bentwood, berber, bernat, beryllium, best, between, bible, bibles, bicycle, big, biggest, bijuterii, bilal, bill, bin, bingham, bird, bisque, black, blackbrook, blank, blanket, blenko, blessings, blin, blind, block, bloomingdales, blue, blueland, bob, body, boho, bohra, bon, book, bookcase, bookends, books, books, bookshelf, boris, born, boseman, botanical, bottle, boutique, bowl, bowls, box, boxer, boxes, boxrec, bracelet, brahmin, branch, branches, brand, brass, brazilian, breakfast, brent, brethren, brick, briwax, broad, bronco, bronze, bronze, bronzi, brooch, brooches, brown, brush, buddha, buddhism, buddhist, buff, buffet, buffets, buildings, bukayo, bulk, bulova, bundini, bunker, bureau, burnished, burt's, bush, buster, but, butcher, butter, butterlane, buttons, buy, buyers, by, byzantine, c63000, c83600, c86300, c93200, c95400, c95500, c95800, cabinet, cabinets, cage, cages, cake, calculator, calendar, calligraphy, calvinism, camacho, came, cameo, camera, cameras, can, canaanite, candelabra, candle, candlestick, candlesticks, candy, cane, canister, caodaism, capital, capitalism, card, care, carlisle, carnival, caroline, carpet, cart, cartier, case, cash, cassius, cast, casting, castle, catcher, cathar, catholic, catholicism, catholics, cbs, cc333g, cc491k, cedar, celtic, center, centre, century, ceramic, cerave, chadwick, chai, chain, chair, chairs, chaise, chamonix, champagne, chan, chandelier, chandeliers, chanel, channel, chaplain, charismatic, charles, charlie, charm, charms, cheap, chelsea, cherish, cheshire, chest, chester, chesterfield, chests, chimaev, china, chinese, chlobo, chomsky, chopard, christian, christian, christianity, christians, Christmas, chrome, church, churches, cigarette, cipullo, city, civ, civil, civilization, ck2, ck3, clarins, clarke, classic, clay, clean, cleaner, cleaning, clinton, clock, clocks, clothes, clothing, cluster, co, coasters, coat, coca, cocktail, coffee, coin, coins, coke, cola, cold, collectables, collectibles, collection, collectors, collins, colonial, colonies, colorful, commandments, commode, common, community, compact, company, comparative, compass, complete, concept, conflict, confronting, confucianism, consignor, console, constantine, convert, converts, cook, cookie, cooler, coopman, copper, coptic, corbin, cordial, corinthian, corn, corner, corningware, cosmograph, costume, cottage, cotton, couch, countries, country, county, cowboy, crabtree, craft, crafts, craigslist, crazy, cream, credenza, creek, crickets, cristo, croc, cross, crow, crows, cruise, crypto, crystal, crystals, cs, cuckoo, cufflinks, culture, cupboard, curio, cushion, cusn6, cusn8, custom, cut, cutlery, cw307g, da, dab, daigle, daily, dainty, dallas, dan, dangle, daoism, dark, darwin, date, david, dawkins, day, daybed, days, dc, de, dealer, dealers, death, deconstruction, decor, decorations, decorative, deen, deeniyat, deep, def, deism, deist, deities, denomination, dental, design, desk, desks, development, dharma, dharmic, dial, dialogue, diamond, diamonds, dianic, diet, different, dining, diniyat, dinkoism, dinnerware, dionis, discordianism, dish, dishes, display, distressed, diversity, divine, diwali, diy, do, doctrine, documentary, dogeared, doll, dollhouse, donyi, door, doors, douay, double, dough, dove, dover, down, dr, drafting, dravidian, drawer, drawers, dream, dress, dresser, dressers, dressing, drew, drewpritchard, drinking, drinks, drloriv, drop, druid, druidry, druze, dry, dryer, dua, dualism, dundee, duranodic, durkheim, dwayne, dyson, e, eagle, early, earrings, earthseed, eastbrook, Eastern, , eckankar, edgell, edinburgh, education, edwardian, effy, efi, egypt, egyptian, eight, einstein, el, elba, elder, electronics, elephant, elon, emerald, emile, emma, emmanuel, empire, empires, emporium, enamel, encyclopedia, end, endowment, engaged, engagement, england, english, epergne, epic, episcopal, equipment, eric, erin, ernie, eschatology, esoteric, estate, etc, eternity, ethical, ethics, ethnic, ethno, etsy, eu4, eucerin, evan, evangelical, evelyn, ever, every, everyone, evil, evolution, ex, exchange, expensive, experience, extravaganza, eye, fabric, facing, facts, faith, faiths, fake, falun, family, famous, farm, farm, farmhouse, fashion, fashioned, fast, fastest, fathers, fathima, fatima, fatimas, feet, female, feng, ferdie, fetheray, fidak, figures, figurine, figurines, filigree, finding, fine, fiqh, firehouse, fireplace, fireplaces, first, fish, fishing, fist, five, fiver, fixtures, flat, flatware, flea, floor, floral, flower, flying, foam, foaming, fold, folding, folk, folley, follow, followed, followers, fon, food, for, foreman, formica, formula, forums, foundation, founder, founding, foundry, four, francis, franklin, frazer, frazier, freddie, frederic, free, freedom, french, friends, from, front, full, funeral, furniture, gandhi, gangster, garments, garnet, gary, gas, gates, gazette, gel, gelo, gemstone, general, genghis, george, ghulat, gift, gifts, gilt, give, glad, glass, glass, glasses, glassware, glenwood, globalization, globe, globes, glove, gloves, glowing, glysomed, gnostic, gnosticism, go, goal, goat, goblets, god, gods, gojo, golan, gold, gold, golden, gong, gooch, good, goop, gosh, gospel, government, gown, grace, grady, grande, grandfather, grapes, great, greatest, greek, green, greenwood, greystones, grinder, grip, groups, growing, grumpys, guide, gujarati, gunderson, gunmetal, gustav, gypsy, h, ha, haan, hadith, hai, hair, haitian, hajat, hajj, halal, hales, hall, hamesh, hamilton, hamsa, hamsabeads, hamsah, hamsawear, hana, hand, handcharm, handen, hander, handgrip, handle, handmade, hands, handshake, handsma, happy, harari, hardware, hare, harmony, harvard, harvey, hat, hated, hatter, haupt, hawley, haydock, hayes, healing, health, heart, heartland, heartofohioantiques, heathen, heathenry, heaven, hebrew, heigl, hell, hellenic, hellenism, helmut, helping, helwa, hemp, hempz, hemswell, henry, her, heriz, hidden, high, highest, highlands, hijab, hijama, hill, hindi, hindu, hinduism, hiscoll, history, hmong, hoarde, hog, holden, holder, holders, holidays, holloway, holy, home, homemade, hoosier, horus, hossein, house, howard, hudson, human, humanism, humphries, hunt, hunters, huskers, hutch, hygiene, i, ian, ibn, ibrahim, ice, iced, icons, identifying, identity, idris, ifa, ifi, igbo, iglesia, illuminati, images, imam, imams, imitation, in, inc, incas, india, indian, indigenous, indonesian, indus, institutes, insulators, inter, interfaith, interior, introduction, iron, ironstone, irreligion, is, isaac, islam, islamic, islamqa, ismaili, israeli, istikhara, items, ithna, iu, jacob, jade, jafari, jafri, jain, jainism, james, jamillah, janaza, jane, jantri, japanese, jars, jean, jedi, jediism, jedism, jeffreys, jehovah, jenkins, jennifer, jesus, jewellery, jewelry, jewelry, jewels, jewish, jews, jibbitz, jinn, jinping, jk, jo, jobs, john, johnson, join, jong, jordan, joseph, jr, jrr, judaica, judaism, judith, jumeau, jurgen, jurlique, justin, k, ka, kaaba, kabbalah, kaffara, kafi, kaku, kansa, karl, karma, kasam, kash, kashmir, katb, katherine, kay, kemetic, kemetism, kempton, kettle, keys, kg, khaliah, khalid, khalilah, khamsa, khamzat, khan, khatna, khoja, ki, kiehls, kilcreggan, kilim, kim, king, kingston, kirat, kitab, kitchen, kitchenware, klaus, klay, knightsbridge, knowledge, knowles, known, kodak, kon, kopimism, korean, krishna, kursi, kutani, la, lace, laderman, ladies, laidlaw, laila, lake, lakeshore, lamaism, lame, lamp, land, lane, langantiques, langs, lanterns, large, largest, lars, latin, latter, lauren, laveyan, law, lawrence, laylatul, lds, leader, leaders, leaf, learn, least, leather, lebanon, lebron, left, leon, leonardo, lewis, liam, liberal, liberty, library, life, light, lighter, lighting, limbaugh, lincoln, lindell, linen, lion, lip, liquid, list, liston, literature, litha, living, livingston, local, loccitane, locket, london, lone, longcase, lonnie, look, lords, lori, lost, lotion, lotus, louis, louisville, lounge, love, loveseat, loz, luck, lucky, lukumi, lunt, lures, luther, lutheran, lux, m, machine, machinery, machines, macron, mad, made, madonna, magazine, magic, magisteria, magnifying, mahatma, mahayana, mahdi, mahmoud, maiden, main, majalis, major, makeup, making, malaysian, mall, malone, man, mandaean, mandaeism, mandala, mandean, mandeans, mandela, manganese, manhattan, manichaeism, mano, mansa, mantel, maori, maqtal, marble, marbles, marcellus, mariam, mark, market, marley, marriage, martin, martyn, marx, mary, marylebone, masail, masjid, mason, masonic, max, maya, mayombe, mazhab, mbiti, md, me, meaning, medals, media, medicine, meira, mejuri, melinda, mellwood, memorial, memories, men, mennonite, mens, mental, mercury, merritt, merritts, metal, metal, method, methodist, mexican, meyer, meyers, meyer's, mezuzah, michaels, michal, michio, micro, mid, middle, midtown, midway, mike, militaria, military, milk, milking, mill, miller, mini, minister, minority, minute, miriam, mirror, mirrors, missionaries, mithraism, mixing, miya, mo, modern, moh, mohamed, mohd, mojza, molton, monica, monk, monotheism, monotheistic, monster, moonstone, moore, moralistic, morality, more, moriage, mormon, mormon, mormonism, mormons, morning, morocco, mosaic, moses, mosque, most, mother, movement, movements, movies, mrs, mubarak, mubashrat, mufattihal, muff, mughal, murano, musa, muscular, music, musk, musky, muslim, muslims, muta, my, mysticism, mythology, n, namaz, name, names, napier, napoleon, nas, nasr, nation, natural, naturals, nature, nautical, navajo, naval, neale, near, necklace, necklaces, necklaces, neeson, negrin, nelson, neo, neopaganism, nestorian, netanyahu, neurotheology, neutrogena, new, newar, newest, newton, ni, nickel, nico, nightstand, nikola, ninian, nirvana, nivea, no, noah, noam, non, Non-Brands, nordic, norman, norse, norwegian, nostra, not, nouveau, nursem, nursing, nuseri, nutshell, oak, objects, obnoxious, oddities, odessa, odin, odon, of, off, office, oh, ohm, oil, okeefe, old, oldest, om, omega, omnism, on, one, ones, online, only, op, opal, oprah, orange, order, organization, organized, oriental, origin, original, origins, oris, orisha, ornaments, oromo, orthodox, orthodox, orthodoxy, osho, oshun, other, ottoman, out, outdoor, outlet, oval, over, overlapping, overmantle, oxford, oxide, oyster, pacheco, pagan, paganism, painted, painting, paintings, pak, pakistani, palm, palmolive, palo, pandora, panjtan, panteism, pantry, parents, park, parsi, pasta, pastafarian, path, patinated, paul, pay, pbs, peace, peaceful, pearl, pedal, pen, pendant, pendulum, pentecostal, people, pepper, per, period, persian, person, personalized, peterson, petite, pew, pewter, philosophers, philosophy, phoenix, phones, phosphor, piano, picked, pickers, pictures, pie, piece, pieces, pierre, pilate, pilgrims, pillars, pincers, pine, piney, pink, pins, pitcher, places, plane, planet, plant, planter, plaque, plaques, plate, plates, poachers, pocket, pocketbac, polished, politics, polo, polymer, polytheism, polytheistic, pontius, pop, popular, populated, porcelain, porche, porché, porsche, portal, possum, postage, postcards, poster, posters, pots, pottery, pound, powder, practiced, practices, prayer, prayers, prejudice, presbyterian, pretty, price, priest, primitive, prince, principles, printable, prints, pritchard, propeller, proper, prophets, protection, protective, protestant, protestantism, protestants, pseudo, psychology, pulls, pump, pumps, punjabi, purell, puritan, purple, purses, putin, pyrex, qadr, qasas, quaker, quakerism, quakers, quasi, qudsi, questions, quilts, qul, quotes, quran, qurbani, qutab, rack, radios, raelism, raëlism, railroad, rain, rainbow, rainn, ramadan, rare, rasheda, rasheeda, rashida, rasps, rastafari, rastafarian, rastafarianism, rau, raw, razac, re, read, reagan, reclaimed, recovery, red, reddit, reeves, reference, refinishing, reincarnation, relief, religion, religionism, religions, religious, remington, renningers, reproduction, reputable, retro, revival, reza, rhinestone, richard, richards, richest, richmond, right, ring, rings, ripka, rise, rituals, river, ro, road, roadshow, robert, roberto, rock, rockefeller, rocking, roi, rolex, roman, rome, ronald, ronson, room, rooster, rose, rosebud, rotary, round, roundtop, row, rowling, royal, rub, ruby, ruderman, rug, rugs, rules, rush, russian, rusted, saba, sabbath, sabian, sabo, sadam, sadaqah, sadhguru, sae, safar, safavid, safe, sai, saints, saka, sale, sales, sally, salt, salvage, salvation, salve, sami, samuel, sanatan, sanitizer, santeria, sarouk, satanism, satin, sauce, saxon, scale, scales, scented, schemes, schoen, scholar, scholars, schoolhouse, schools, schwab, science, scientist, scorah, scott, scotts, screen, scripture, scrub, sculpture, sculptures, second, secretary, secrets, sect, sects, secular, secularisation, seeing, selling, seltzer, semitic, serbian, services, set, sets, settee, settings, seventh, sewing, seyyed, shack, shades, shaker, shakers, shalom, shamanism, shango, shapiro, sharia, sheet, sheik, shi, shia, shias, shiavault, shiism, shiite, shiites, shintoism, shop, shopping, shops, short, shot, show, shugendo, shui, side, sideboard, sideboards, sideways, signet, signs, silicon, silver, silverware, simple, sindhi, singer, sins, sintered, sistani, sites, skeleton, skin, slavic, sleigh, small, smart, smith, smoke, smoking, smooth, snips, snow, soap, society, sociology, sofa, sofas, soft, softsoap, solid, sonji, sonny, sotheby's, south, southern, spaghetti, spanish, spells, spencer, spinks, spiritual, spirituality, spool, spoon, spray, spring, stained, stainless, stamps, stand, standing, star, starr, state, states, station, statuary, statue, statues, steamer, steel, stephen, steps, stereo, sterling, stern, steve, steven, stewarts, stone, stool, storage, store, stores, stories, stormville, stove, stoves, studies, study, stuff, style, suave, suds2go, suffering, sufi, sufism, sugar, sumerian, sunni, sunnis, sunvalley, suomenusko, supply, surgical, swaffer, swag, swan, swarovski, swedish, swivel, sword, sydney, syed, syncretic, systems, t, tabarrukat, table, tables, tahajjud, talisman, talmud, tansu, tapestry, taqeebat, tarkov, tarnished, tashi, tatami, taymiyyah, tea, teachings, teapot, teapots, technique, telephones, telescope, temple, temporary, tengrism, tenugui, terracotta, terrell, tesla, textiles, thakeham, thali, tharp, that, the, their, theistic, theology, theosophy, therapeutic, theravada, there, things, thinking, third, thomas, thrift, tibet, tied, tiffany, tig, tile, tiles, times, tin, tins, tiny, to, today, todne, together, tolerance, tolkien, tom, tool, toothache, top, topics, topper, torah, touchland, toy, tractor, trade, traditional, traditions, training, translation, transparent, travel, travolta, traxnyc, tray, treasure, treasures, tree, trip, trocadero, trolley, truck, trudeau, trunk, trunks, tunisian, turbah, turkey, turkish, turntable, turquoise, tv, twelve, twelver, twitter, types, typewriter, udderly, uk, ul, umbanda, umbrella, un, undergarments, understanding, unique, united, universal, universalizing, unrestored, unscented, up, upholstery, upper, urdu, urdu, usaco, use, used, usool, v, vali, valley, valuable, valuations, values, vanity, varieties, vase, vaseline, vases, vedas, vedic, veronica, victorian, victrola, view, views, viii, vinader, vinci, vintage, vintaged, vodou, vodun, voltaire, voodoo, vuitton, wagon, wahshat, walid, wall, wallpaper, walsh, wanno, wanted, war, wardrobe, warehouse, warm, wars, wars, was, wash, washing, watches, water, waterford, watering, watkins, watson, wax, way, wazaif, wazifa, wear, wearing, weathered, weathervanes, weber, website, websites, wedding, weighing, weird, weitze, weltanschauungen, wernicke, wertheimer, west, western, wet, what, wheelchair, wheels, which, white, wicca, wiccan, wicker, will, willow, wilson, windsor, winfrey, wingback, wipes, wire, witch, witchcraft, with, without, witness, woman, women, wood, wooden, word, words, work, working, works, world, worship, writing, ww2, x, xi, ya, yahweh, yahwism, yam, yang, yard, yarsanism, yazidism, yellow, yin, yoruba, youngest, your, yurman, yusuf, yuval, zaidi, zakat, zales, zanjeer, zarathustra, zealot, zen, zeuner, zinc, zora, zoroastrian, zoroastrianism, zulu, true, Istanbul, gulf, Saudi, arabia, iran, Iraq,

rare islamic Safavid antique standard Alam Museums piece Dragon Muharram.:

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