Posts Tagged "grandparents"

National Grandparent’s Day Biography Activity

Celebrate National Grandparent’s Day on September 11th with a creative book-making activity! Even if your children see grandma and grandpa regularly, they might not know everything about their grandparents. This activity allows your child to build communication skills, while conducting her very own interview. In the process your child will learn new information about her grandparents and create a biography-style book too! Materials: Poster board Scissors Markers Paper (either lined paper if your child is handwriting the story or printer paper if she’s typing it on the computer). A stapler Optional: Craft felt and glue Instructions: Conduct the interview. This...

Grandparents Day

National Grandparents Day is on first Sunday after Labor Day each year as set by President Jimmy Carter, in 1978. Grandparents Day’s history begins with Marian McQuade, a housewife in West Virginia. Marian’s motivation was to let people know about the lonely elderly in nursing homes. She encouraged grandchildren to learn from the wisdom and heritage their grandparents could provide by spending time with them on a regular basis. Below is the original proclamation by President Jimmy Carter. --------------------------------- As we seek to strengthen the enduring values of the family, it is appropriate that we honor our grandparents. Grandparents are...