Posts Tagged "kids’ activites"

Kids’ Activities for World Environment Day

June 5th marks World Environment Day. This holiday provides the perfect opportunity to help your young child learn about the planet and what their role is in helping it. How can you teach your child about being green? Check out these easy environmental activity ideas for kids! Upcycle and Reuse for Art Your crafty kiddo enjoys making art 24-7. But the amount of paper they use on a daily basis makes you feel uncomfortable—in an eco-conscious way. Instead of buying new packages of paper, use what you already have at home. Search the house for older worksheets, flyers or other...

World Day for Cultural Diversity Activities for Children

May 21st marks World Day for Cultural Diversity. Help your child to understand the similarities and differences between people of different geographic areas, religions and more with these fun-filled family-friendly activities. Visit a Museum There are plenty of ways to learn about different cultures by visiting art, history and natural history museums. View art from other places and times, engage in an interactive exhibit that features people from another culture or choose another area of the world to find artifacts from. Discuss what your child views, pointing out the cultural significance of each object or art item. Make a Meal...

St. Patrick’s Day Activities for Kids

If you're looking for a few fun-filled family activities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, check out these easy ideas. Whether you're in charge of your child's school party, you're having a few friends over or you just need at-home options to keep the kiddos busy, these ideas are low-prep, low-mess and budget friendly! St. Patrick's Day Play Ask your child to pick their favorite St. Patrick's Day-themed book. Read the book together, noting the names of the characters, the sequence of events and the setting. Turn the book into a play to perform for family and friends. Make your own...

Groundhog Day Family Fun Activities

Will there be six more weeks of winter? Even though Groundhog Day is far from a scientifically proven way to judge whether the chill and snow will stop (or stick around), it's a fun-filled family-friendly holiday to celebrate. How can you celebrate Groundhog Day with your kids? Take a look at these easy activity ideas! Groundhog Play Put on your own family play. Cast characters, make a Punxsutawney Phil costume and tell the story of the groundhog and his prediction. If you're not sure where to start, use a picture book as the basis for your play. Groundhog Art Draw...

Growing Trees to Celebrate Tu B’Shevat

Celebrate the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat, or the "New Year for Trees" with a gardening activity. Even though it's too cold to go outside and plant, your child can still start their own sprout right now — but indoors! What types of tree should your child should your child plant? Well, that depends on several factors. These include personal preference, availability of materials needed and space. If you're not sure where to start, check out these easy growing options. Avocado Tree Remove and clean the pit from an avocado, leaving the skin (the brown part) intact. Find the top...