Posts Tagged "world food day"

World Food Day Recipe Activity Ideas for Kids

October 16 marks World Food Day. This special day sheds light on food scarcity and the need to solve the world-wide hunger epidemic. Along with activities such as donating to a food pantry or helping to serve a meal at a community kitchen, you can also help your child to better understand what eating looks (and tastes) like in other countries. Celebrate this global event with an international array of foodie finds—that your kiddos can help you to make. Croque Monsieur This French fave is an upgraded grilled cheese that comes with plenty of oeey, gooey goodness. Toast crusty bread...

World Food Day Kids’ Art and Awareness Activity

Help to end food scarcity by celebrating World Food Day. This October 16th day points out hunger-related issues, giving global life to the cause. While teens and adults can easily understand the issues surrounding hunger, younger children may need help to get the message. Why is it important for young children to understand hunger-related issues? Starting early helps the child grow into an adult who is compassionate and cares about global causes. If you're not sure where to start, check out this crafty activity that will help preschoolers and young children to get a better grip on what hunger is...

World Food Day Activity Ideas

October 16th marks World Food Day. This special day is the perfect time to help your child learn about food scarcity and hunger. How can you involve your child in food-related issues on this holiday? Check out these easy activities that will have a major impact on your child, your family and maybe even the planet! Grow a Garden Where does food come from? That may be a major question your child has. Obviously you buy food at the local grocery store. But how does it get there? Talk to your child about growing produce, farmers and food production. Next,...

World Food Day Activities for Kids By Age

October 16th marks World Food Day. This holiday isn’t just another in the long stream of food-inspired ‘days’. Instead, World Food Day sheds light on worldwide hunger. This isn’t a holiday to indulge in your favorite treats or take the kids out for a meal. Help your child to understand that she’s lucky to have the food on her plate with these easy activities. Your kiddo can get charitable and begin to understand what food means to someone who doesn’t have it. Keep in mind, your child’s age dictates what she can or can’t do to honor this day. Take...