1st publ. by Rynin 1918 Kibalchich\'s Rocket-propelled ship Russian Space Soviet

1st publ. by Rynin 1918 Kibalchich\'s Rocket-propelled ship Russian Space Soviet

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1st publ. by Rynin 1918 Kibalchich\'s Rocket-propelled ship Russian Space Soviet:

\"Былое\" /The Past/ magazine, 1918, #10-11

A special issue devoted to thededicated to the Russian liberation movement

In this issue N.Rynin published Nikolai Kibalchich\'s description of a manned, rocket-propelledship.

Condition: close to very good for its age, worn spine, not a cropped copy

Nikolai IvanovichKibalchich (1853–1881) was a Russian revolutionary, taking part in theassassination of Tsar Alexander II as the main explosive expert for NarodnayaVolya (the People\'s Will), and also a rocket pioneer.

Kibalchich wasarrested on March 17. According to witnesses, in prison “he seemed to beimmersed in research on some aeronautic missile; he thirsted for a possibilityto write down his mathematical calculations involved in the discovery. He wrotethem down and submitted them to the authorities.’

In a note written in his prison cell, Kibalchich proposed a manned jet air-navigating apparatus. Heexamined the design of powder rocketengine, controlling the flight by changing engines angle, the pro note isdated March 23. He produced this scientific work truly at death\'s door.

But his requeststo meet with scientists to discuss the prospects for his invention had beenignored by the authorities.

The fate ofthe invention, mentioned in Kybalchych\'s last letter, proved to be as tragic asthat of its 27-year-old creator. Kibalchich’s design was buried in the archivesof Police Department, but the tsar authorities failed to consign the name ofthe inventor and his idea to oblivion. The trial and execution of the Narodnikshad wide repercussions around the world. Much was said and written aboutKibalchich’s design abroad and all kinds of conjectures were made about theessence of the invention and its subsequent fate. In 1917, Nikolai Rynin rediscovered the manuscript in the archives andpublished an account of it 1918 in the historic magazine «Былое» (The Past).

Nikolai Alekseevich Rynin (23 December 1887 – 28 July 1942)was a Russian civil engineer, teacher, aerospace researcher, author, historian,and promoter of space travel.

Rynin beganhis career in civil engineering, working in the railway industry. However, in1906 he developed an interest in aircraft and manned flight. During his careerhe performed research in aeronautics, became a balloonist and aircraft pilot,taught aerospace topics as a professor in Leningrad,and wrote various books and articles on airplanes and space travel.

In theApril 1918 issue of the Byloye / Былое/ magazine, Rynin published Nikolai Kibalchich\'s description of amanned, rocket-propelled ship. Between 1928 and 1932 he published a nine-volumeencyclopedia of space travel called the Mezhplanetnye Soobscheniya(\"Interplanetary Communications\"). He is known to have correspondedwith peers in the West, including Robert H. Goddard in 1926, concerning Russianrocketry activities.

Rynin diedfrom a combination of starvation and illness during the German siege of Leningrad, as did fellowspaceflight promoter Yakov Perelman.

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Былое. Ежемесячный исторический журнал.1918. № В.Л. Бурцевымъ и П.Е. Щеголевымъ. Изданiе возобновленосъ 1 iюля 1917 года. Петроградъ Литейный пр., 21 1918-1919 гг.

Софья Перовская. Из воспоминаний В.Н. Фигнер. - К делу 1 марта 1881 года.Неизданные доклады графа Лорис-Меликова, В.К. Плеве, жанд. ген. Комарова ирезолюции Александра III. - В.Н.Фигнер. Портреты народовольцев. - К портретуВ.Н. Фигнер. - Исполнительный комитет партии ``Народной Воли`` и Из воспоминаний А.П.Корба (Прибылевой). - Кладбище писем. I А.Д.Михайлов в дни ожидания казни. II Последние письма А.И. Баранникова, IIIПоследние письма Тетерки М.В. - Казнь Н.Е. Суханова. Архивные документы. - Проект аппарата Н.И.Кибальчича. - Инженер Н.Рынин. О проекте прибора системыКибальчича Н.И. - Кн.Н.В. Голицын. Конституция графа Лорис-Меликова. -Совет министров 8 марта 1881 года. Рассказ графа Лорис-Меликова В.А.Бильбасову.- Н.С.Тютчев. Здание у цепного моста. (Книга для записи арестованных при IIIотделении и департаменте полиции за 1880-1883 г.г..). - Н.Тютчев. Судьба ИванаОкладского. - Показания перомартовцев - Н.И.Рысакова, Н.И.Кибальчича, Геси Гельфман, Т.М.Михайлова. Из следствия. - Последнее признание Н.И.Рысакова накануне казни.- Суд и казнь первомартовцев. Неизданные рисунки очевидцев. - Историческая справка. - 1 марта 1881 г. и Владимир Соловьев.Новые документы.

1st publ. by Rynin 1918 Kibalchich\'s Rocket-propelled ship Russian Space Soviet:

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