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This is one of the very finest human skull carvings we have had for many years, it is magnificent.

(We have hung this Llama bone human skull bead amulet on an adjustable REAL JADE BEAD necklace)

(more pictures below)



Please note: This is a realold Tibetansacred Llama bone skull beadand not a new carved Chinese Trinket.

from the ancient kingdom of MUSTANG in the Himalaya\'s ****(see below)

50 + YEARS OLD (aprox)



This is not just anitem of Jewellery this is a real and sacred Tibetan Buddhist protection amulet.

This LlAMA BONE HUMAN SKULL BEADhas been blessed and empowered with SACRED LOTUS OIL ****(see below)

\"Mustang is one of the few places in the Himalayan region that has been able to retain its traditional Tibetan culture unmolested… authentic Tibetan culture now survives only in exile and a few places like Mustang, which have had long historical and cultural ties with Tibet.\"

His Holiness The XIV th Dalai Lama

Size of Llama bone human skull bead 15.12 mm tall x 10.32 mm wide x 14.27 mm deep

Thissacred Tibetan Llama bone HUMAN SKULL BEADhas been blessed and fully empowered by Lama Thubten Dagom Rinpoche

This is an old Llama bone sacred human skull bead.

This old blessed spiritual bead has the most wonderful weathering marks and a beautiful usage patina.

These sacred human skull beads are prized by Tibetans and people from the Himalayan regions.

(We have hung this Llama bone human skull bead amulet on an adjustable REAL JADE BEAD necklace)


The skull which is a symbol of human death and morality has very strong religious meaning in many different cultures. The people of Tibet, Burma and the surrounding regions wearsacred skullnecklaces and beads and use skull malas as powerful forms of protection from evil, dark and dangerous spirits and also to destroy any surrounding bad energy. In pre-Columbian America the skull was given a very special and honored place by the Aztecs and the different tribes in Mexico.

Nowadays the skull has lost a great deal of its religious and spiritual meaning. Skulls have been placed at the thresholds of apartments, houses and tribal huts to guard and protect the inhabitants. Some tribes in the Congo area worship their ancestor’s skulls as they believe that the person’s vital life source resides there. Tibetan monks gave ‘memento mori’s’ to the family of a deceased person, these were usually skull beads.These beadswere given so the family would not forget the deceased and the bead would act as a reminder that time and life passes very rapidly, life is not endless and all earthly beings are transient. The sacred blessed skull bead would also hold the spiritual part of the diseased and would help to protect and guard the family. These skull beads were made from human and animal bones. Skull bead necklaces and single beads are also known as ‘Kali’ beads after the Hindu Goddess Kali.

(We have hung this Llama bone human skull bead amulet on an adjustable REAL JADE BEAD necklace)

This is one of the very finest human skull carvings we have had for many years, it is magnificent.

This is a real oldTibetan Llama bone sacred human skull bead it is over 50 years old (approx).Thisbead is not just an item of jewellery, it is a very powerful sacred protection amulet. Our old Tibetansacred human skull bone beadshave been blessed and empowered by Buddhist monks, Lamas and Shaman. These Llama bone human skull beadshave beenblessed and empowered in many different ways. Sometimes they are buried in a holy place with different herbs and other religious items for many years and thebone beadtakes on the colour of the herbs that they have been buried with. Sometimes when a monk is making a batch ofsacred bone beadshe uses a mixture of herbs and hundreds of other rare and sacred ingredients and the beadsare then left in the sacred blessed mixture for a few years.Skull beadsare also coloured by hanging over burning incense for many months to many years. Monks, lamas and shaman bless and empower these sacredskull beadsin different ways and it is a closely guarded secret how it is done and what herbs or other sacred ingredients are used, they all have their own special way.

Therecan bemany different colours and depths of colour depending on what is used as part of the blessing and empowerment process, it also depends on how old the sacredbead is and the length of timeit has been left in the holy mixture or sacred incense smoke. The colouring is not done as a fashion accessory but is an actual part of the blessing and the empowerment process as the colour comes from the sacred ingredients that thebead was put with.


To help you to understand jade you have to understand the philosophy here. I quote from Shih-Ching AD 800: \"When I think of wise people, they seem like jade. Wise ones have seen in jade all different virtues. It is soft, smooth and shining like kindness. It is hard, fine and strong like intelligence. Its edges seem sharp but do not cut, like justice. It hangs down to the ground like humility. When struck it gives a clear, ringing sound, like music. The stains in it, which are not hidden and which add to its beauty, are like thoughtfulness. Its brightness is like heaven while its firm substance, born of the mountains and the waters, is like the earth. That is why wise people love jade.\"

Jade is the Chinese stone that has always been carved into sacred images. The Chinese believed that Jade would prolong life. The Chinese used bowls made of Jade to eat their food because they believed that the energy in Jade would permeate into the food before it was eaten.

Jade strengthens the mental facilities and helps reasoning and when worn carried or placed against the third eye you will receive great wisdom. Jade is also a Great Protector and will help to guard you against accidents and mishaps.

Jade symbolizes vital energy and cosmic forces. Jade is an image of perfection and a symbol of the union of the five heavenly virtues (Clarity, Purity, Immutability, Euphony and Kindness) as well as the union of moral qualities and beauty.

Jade takes on your energy and can actually change colour. Jade is a protective stone which will help to keep you away from harm and will bring you harmony. It will attract good luck and friendship. Wearing jade can bring money into your life, when you are contemplating a business deal hold this piece of jade in your hand for a few minutes. Be infused with its prosperous energy, then decide which course to take. Jade will help to stabilize your personality and will integrate your mind with your body. Spiritually Jade encourages you to become who you really are, it will assist you in recognizing yourself as a spiritual being on a human journey and awaits hidden knowledge.

LamaThubten has asked me to release these special sacred and empowered items to the world. The reason for the release of these items is that the Earth as we know it is now a dark and dangerous place andLama Thubten would like spiritual and sacred people to be part of the new awakening. There are very few people in the world who can feel and sense and need this sacred and special power.

To heal someone, you must first know why people suffer. If through healing them, you can show them how to stop suffering, you have fulfilled your role as a physician.

At he heart of all suffering there is a spiritual remedy that comes about from knowing the relationships between karma and suffering. Karma comes from the chaos that exists within all living creatures, all aspects of this world and the universe at large. Some chaos is good, some indifferent, some bad, but it is the stuff from which happiness and then enlightenment can be made.

Thissacred LLama bone human skull beadhas a HUGE amount of power inside and when you hold it you will feel a sacred power like you have never felt in your life. There are very few people in the world who can feel and sense and need this sacred and special power.

If you are not one of them then this is not for you.

There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth;
not going all the way, and not starting.


Woman from the Mustang region.


This old Llama bone human skull bead came from the ancient kingdom of Mustang. Mustang was first mentioned in the 7th century and has shared much of its history with Tibet which is in the north. Buddhism came to Mustang at about the same time as it did in Tibet. Legend says that beforePadmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) the founder of Tibetan Buddhism could complete the construction of Tibet\'s first Buddhist monastery at Samye, he had to build the temple in LO GHEKAR in Mustang. By the 15th century Mustang had become a central power in Tibetan Buddhism. Mustang requested allegiance and protection from the government of Nepal during the Chinese occupation of Tibet and became an official part of Nepal. Mustang became home to over six thousand Tibetans from the Kham region of Eastern Tibet. The small kingdom of Mustang was closed to Westerners until 1992.

Stupa at Mustang.

Many of us are trying to find peace, a small place where we can enjoy our lives. We look around and watch the world go by. All we wish to do is to find a small amount of peace and tranquility in the world today. There are huge amounts of negative and bad energy flowing. Many dark energies are around and trying to possess us. They try to find a host, when we are at a low point in our lives, when we are weak and vunerable.

It is important thatsacred Llama bone human skullbeadsare treated with respect.

The itemson this Spiritual-Sky site, call upon you to go back, far back in time to when you were a child. In those days you thought that nothing at all was impossible, you coulddo anything and everything. In those days long ago your spirit had not been reduced by negativity you believed in pure and special magical powers and your mind was open to receive and discover and to understand the mysteries of life.

These Sacred Blessed and Empowered items have PURE POSITIVE SACRED POWER and can and will be attuned to you.Do you remember long ago that you had the ability of second sight, and other special abilities. You might never have revealed this to anyone as you felt slightly afraid and were not sure in yourself. Years later life takes its toll and you now think that these special abilities that you had years ago are now gone. These abilities NEVER GO, you still have the same abilities but you now have to clear a path to open your mind and be able to go back to your childhood and let your mind open up. When you work with Lama Thubten\'s Sacred Blessed items you will soon realise that these are SACRED SPECIAL TOOLS and will work for you in many different ways. They will open up a PURE POWER FLOW FOR YOU, and enable PURE POSITIVE ENERGY to enter your divine spirit.


comes about when the energies of your body and mind click together. This is not just about the creation of wealth: good fortune is the experience when you know deep inside you that everything is right with the world. It is when you and the divine enjoy each others company. Good fortune is a natural state of mind that is part of who you are. It is inside you, just wanting to be released. Start by asking for it. Be humble and receive. If you seek good fortune unskillfully- in other words, selfishly- you will create obstructions. Good fortune never ever comes in a way that you expect it, so open your heart for a happy surprise. You keep your good fortune by sharing it and learning from it, not by showing it off. Use your good fortune by showing other people how to access it, based on your own experience.

Please note: This is an old blessed Llama bone human skull bead and not a new carved Chinese Trinket.

ThisREAL TIBETAN LlAMA BONE HUMAN SKULL BEADhas been blessed and empowered with SACRED LOTUS OIL ****

The Lotus Flower. The lotus was of great significance to many ancient cultures, and in particular to the Eastern religions. From ancestral times, the lotus regularly appears as a symbol of purity, peace, transcendence, enlightenment, rebirth, beauty, and fertility.
In India, the lotus flower is considered to be of divine origin and is viewed as sacred by both Hindus and Buddhists. Buddha was said to sleep on a lotus six months of the year, and Shambala (Buddhist heaven) is sometimes represented as a field of flowering sacred lotuses. The idea of enlightenment is symbolized by the life cycle of the sacred lotus plant because it begins its life humbly in the mud of ponds but soon grows and sends stems and flowers well above the surface of the water (up to 50cm), thus showing the path of spiritual enfoldment.
It also has unusual flowering habits; its flowers ‘wake up’ (open) at dawn and go to sleep (close) at about 2pm. Some lotuses are even known to open up at night and close during the day, ignoring the normal sunlight hours favoured by the majority of flowering plants, and effectively transcending normal time cycles.

For centuries many Buddhists have believed that by carrying a Blessed Amulet you will be given good luck, and protection.A blessed amulet will guard you from danger, will dispel evil and negative bad and dangerous energy, and protect you from disease. It is believed that a blessedsacred amulet will help you to gain great wealth and will guard you and give you success while you are at home, at work, or traveling. Sacred amulets can be cast from metal or carved from a piece of wood, ivory, bone, or made from a special magical powder that contains hundreds of different special and secret ingredients that are then pressed into a mold and then baked. After this is done the amulets are blessed by monks in order to give the wearer the sacred spiritual power of protection.

It is important thatsacred blessed Lama bone human skull beadsare treated with respect. Our sacred, rare, empowered and blessed items are being made available for the benefit of practitioners, like you, who would like to have holy objects as devotional support to your practice. It is contrary to our vows to engage in the business of selling holy objects for profit. Therefore we do not provide these objects in an ordinary way, thinking of them as goods to be bought and sold. Rather, we are making them available with the express wish to benefit others. All funds in excess of our costs help us to continue our activities.

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