World Migratory Bird Day Kids’ Puppet Craft


Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day with an artsy activity! Your child can craft their own bird puppet, modeling it after a bird they research. This educationally artistic avian activity is perfect for preschoolers and older children. Read on to learn more about how to make a puppet at home.

Arts and Crafts Materials You’ll Need

  • A lunch-sized paper bag
  • Markers
  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Clear-drying school glue
  • Optional: Craft feathers and googley eyes

How To Art-Making Steps

  1. Before your child starts to craft their puppet, they need to choose a bird. Research migratory birds online or in non-fiction books. Ask your child to select a bird. Discuss the bird’s appearance, noting the colors, shapes and patterns your child sees.
  2. Place the paper bag facing up with the flap towards the top.
  3. Draw the bird’s face onto the flap. Optional: Glue googley eyes onto the bag’s flap.
  4. Cut a triangle from the construction paper to make a beak.
  5. Glue the paper onto the bottom edge of the flap.
  6. Color in the bag. Your child can draw textured feathers with markers.
  7. Cut oval-shaped feathers from construction paper.
  8. Glue the feathers onto the bird to create wings.

Optional: Instead of construction paper feathers, use craft feathers. Your child can glue the ends of these feathers onto the bag.