Memorial Day Dessert Recipes
With Memorial Day coming up you may be looking for a few holiday-themed treats. Don’t stress about spending the day stuck in the kitchen. These sweets are easy enough for even a novice cook to make. Get the whole family in on the action, and have the kids help you out. Younger children can measure and mix or line up ingredients, while older kids can take on a bigger role.
Patriotic Cookies
Use either your favorite sugar cookie recipe or grab a box of ready-made mix. Roll out the dough and use a star-shaped cookie cutter to create a holiday look. Bake the cookies and let them cool completely. When they’re cool, let the kids frost them in red, white and blue. Younger children can make large color blocks or stripes. Older kids and teens can create mini American flags on each one.
Flag Cake
Bake three to five round cakes, one for each layer. Make some of them white cake and use red food color on the others. Again, use your favorite recipe or buy the boxed type. After cakes are cooled, stack them in layers of alternating colors. Smooth on a layer of white frosting in between each layer. Frost the entire outside of the cake with blue icing, adding candy stars on top. When you slice the cake apart it will look like a flag!
Patriotic S’mores
Finish your Memorial Day barbeque with a marshmallow toasting session. Stack the marshmallows onto graham crackers, adding white chocolate, blueberries and red berries (such as strawberries or raspberries). Now you’ve got a red, white and blue s’more.