Chanukah Calendar, Dates and Information
Shalom and Welcome – Chanukah Calendar, Dates and Information
to a celebration
of the Jewish holiday of Chanukah
Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, is a celebration of the victory of the Maccabees and the rededication of the Jerusalem Temple. It also commemorates the miracle of the oil that burned for 8 days
Here for your entertainment are some fun Holiday things for you and your family. We’ve got stories, tasty holiday recipes, holiday pictures for the kids to print and color, easy crafts to make, holiday games to play, and spinning dreidels! We hope you find something you like.
Did You Know? (Chanukah)
Facts and figures about the Jewish Holiday of Chanukah
When is Chanukah?
The dates of Chanukah 2008-2016
The Story of Chanukah
Read the story of the Maccabees and Chanukah
Who Were the Maccabbees
Who are the Maccabbees and what have they got to do with Chanukah?
The Story of Chanukah
Every year between the end of November and the end of December, Jewish people around the world celebrate the holiday of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights.
The History of Chanukah
Chanukah is the wintertime Jewish Festival of Lights, a holiday that celebrates religious freedom and national independence.
The Menorah
Each night during Chanukah Jews light candles in a special candelabra called a Menorah.
Lighting the Chanukah Menorah
The Menorah candles are placed and lit in a specific order. Here’s the correct way to place, and light, the candles.
The Prayer for Chanukah Candle-Lighting
Every night during Chanukah, when the candles are lit this is the prayer that is recited.
The Spelling of Chanukah
Hannukah? Chanukah? Khanukkah? Oy Vey! What are all these holidays and how do you really spell it?
The Dreidel
One of the best known symbols of Chanukah is the Dreidel. A dreidel is a four sided top with a Hebrew letter on each side.
Spin the Dreidel
Come play our NEW Dreidle game and “SPIN” our dreidel! Make your own dreidel!
Chanukah Videos
We’ve put together a selection of Chanukah Video Highlights featuring some fun, interesting, and we hope entertaining, holiday clips.
Presidential Chanukah
2009 Chanukah statement from US President Barack Obama.
Also archives of Presidential greetings for Pres WJ Clinton & GW Bush.
Chanukah Crafts
Some fun and entertaining Chanukah days Crafts Projects to help celebrate your holiday.
Chanukah Coloring Pictures
Chanukah days inspired coloring pictures to print and color. All you’ll need to bring are the crayons!
Chanukah Recipes
Make your Chanukah celebration a tasty one with these great recipes
Chanukah eGreeting Cards
Send your friends and family FREE Chanukah eGreeting cards

A Rare Damascene Silver and Copper Hanukkah Lamp, Syria 1910. Judaica Menorah
Antique Massive Hanukkah Menorah Judaica Museum Level
HUGE 6 ft HANUKKAH MENORAH Jewish Lamp Wood Handcrafted Synagogue Temple Judaica
Antique Monumental 117.5 cm Polish Jewish Brass Hanukkah lamp 18 Century Poland
A Rare Silver Hanukkah Lamp by Yehia Yemini Jerusalem C 1920, Judaica Menorah
Important Brass Hanukkah Menorah Southern Italy Circa 1700 Judaica
Judaica antique 800 silver Hanukkah menorah lamp.
Hanukkah menorah WW2 Jewish WAR hanukkiah WWII Nine-branched candelabrum
title: chanukah