Yom Kippur Break the Fast Recipes

The Jewish holiday Yom Kippur is known as the holiest day of the year. Unlike other world holidays that include plenty of food and drink, people observing Yom Kippur fast (for 24 hours). If you’re fasting this holiday, breaking the fast doesn’t exactly mean indulging in a mega-meal. Overdoing it with too much heavy food can lead to digestive issues — especially after abstaining from food for a full day and night. Instead of making a meal to end all meals, check out these ‘break the fast’ ideas that are easy n your stomach and tasty too!
Fruit Kugel
While a kugel can be unrelentingly heavy, you can also make one that has a lighter texture. Take the traditional egg noddle and cream cheese/milk/cream recipe and replace the heavy dairy components with lighter versions. You can also add in sliced fruit (such as pears and apples) or berries to make the kugel feel light and fresh.
Grilled Chicken Salad
No one who hasn’t eaten in 24 hours wants to chow down on a heavy fried chicken recipe. Instead, lighten things up and grill (or broil) chicken breasts. Slice them thinly, chill the cooked chicken and add it to a green salad. Instead of a thick dressing, you with a sprinkle of lemon juice.
Fish and Veggies
Again, a grilled protein source will go over better than anything that is fried. Pick your family’s favorite fish and grill it. Serve it with a side of steamed veggies.

Judaica Silver Polish Yom kippur Belt
Judaica Yemenite manuscript,2 Pages from Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur Prayer
Judaica 1920s Jerusalem Bezalel School Yom Kippur Relief Plaque
Jewish Dutch Netherlands Rococo Silver Buckle Circa 1903 Scenes of Yom Kippur
Parochet, North Africa circa 1900, woven addition for Yom Kippur, Judaica
Rare 1950's 2v Mahsor Jerusalem Holiday Prayer Yom Kippur Rosh Hashanah M. Cohen
Gilt Silver Yom Kippur Atonement Day Belt Buckle, Poland, Circa 1880, Judaica.
Rare yom kippur jewish iron belt buckle amulet Zohar Kabbalah Spiritual Protect
AMERICAN SCHOOL. YOM KIPPUR WAR-1973, Bronze relief medallion
Antiques Judaica Yom Kippur Dutch Silver Belt Buckle Israelianna