Archive for the "Uncategorized" Category

World Day of Social Justice

World Day of Social Justice World Day of Justice is held annually on February 20th. It was approved as a world-recognized holiday by the United Nations in 2007, and it officially went into effect in February 2009. The purpose is not only to recognize social justice across all countries, but participants are welcome to collaborate with the U.N.’s World Summit for Social Development to help achieve related goals. While it is one of the newest holidays in recent history, this day recognizes worldwide issues that people have struggled with for centuries. Basic human rights are withheld in certain regions due...

Read Across America Day

Read Across America Day Read Across America Day is a holiday that encourages reading for all ages. While the focus is on children who are in the middle of mastering reading skills, book lovers young and old participate in this special day. It falls on March 2nd, which is the same day as Dr. Seuss’s birthday. Schools heavily promote this holiday, but it is also equally important for parents to encourage participation from all at home. History Read Across America Day was founded by the National Education Association (NEA) in 1997. The NEA is an organization of current and retired...

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day To some, Groundhog Day is the 1993 Bill Murray comedy film. To the rest of the nation, Groundhog Day marks the North American holiday that is celebrated every year on February 2nd in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The premise of the holiday is based around a legend that a groundhog by the name of Punxsutawney Phil can help predict the longevity of winter weather. According to folklore the groundhog can predict the weather based on whether or not it sees its shadow after popping out of a burrow. If the animal sees its shadow and is afraid to come out...

Lincoln’s Birthday

Lincoln’s Birthday Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest Presidents to ever serve the United States. Not only did he abolish slavery in the country, but he is also responsible for bringing the Union back together after the Civil War. The 16th president lived a relatively short life, dying in 1865 at the age of 56 after being assassinated. Due to Lincoln’s great achievements, the United States recognizes February 12 every year, which was this president’s birthday. President Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in the small town of Hodgenville, Kentucky. He lived a modest family life, but was...

Black Friday

Black Friday This falls on the day after Thanksgiving in the United States, on the fourth Friday in November each year. Black Friday is a holiday in some states, but often people just take the time off anyway, with some employers giving staff a free day as part of their Thanksgiving leave. Many organizations are shut for the whole weekend, and some public transport schedules may change. It heralds the start of the annual holiday shopping season, as the first day following the final big holiday before Christmas, and, for the last seven years, has been the busiest shopping day...

Election Day

Election Day In the United States, Election Day must by law take place on the Tuesday falling after the first Monday in the month of November. This means that the date can be anywhere between November 2 and 8. As well as being the day when Americans choose their President, all levels of national, state and local government official also get voted for. Exactly 220 years ago this year (1792), a law gave every state the right to hold elections for the president any time in the 34 days ahead of the first Wednesday in December, when each state held...