5 Mother’s Day Coupon Book Ideas

Ah, the Mother’s Day coupon book. It’s an old school favorite. It’s easy, it’s fun and mom will totally appreciate it. Your crafty kiddo can get as creative as she wants, designing this DIY gift for mom on her special day. What can your child include? Brainstorm ideas and check out these kids’ coupon book activity ideas!
Spa Day
Make mom a coupon for an at-home spa day. This can include a homemade facial scrub, a manicure or a make-up session with the kids.
No Dish Week
Mom isn’t fond of doing the dishes after dinner. So, don’t let her. Make a coupon that gives her the week off – at the very least.
Breakfast in Bed
Pancakes, eggs and anything else mom wants. Create a coupon that lets mom relax and eat leisurely on one weekend day.
Dinner Wherever
Mom’s favorite restaurant often goes unnoticed. She’ll gladly head out to wherever the rest of the family wants to go. Let mom do the picking here. Give her a coupon that entitles her to select her perfect place for dinner.
Clean Her Room
Cleaning up the toys or making the kids’ bed are common coupons. Instead, focus on helping mom out with her own space and offer to clean her room.