5 St. Patrick’s Day Books for Children

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a family-friendly book reading session. Curl up with your kiddo, grab a holiday-themed picture book and read to each other. If your child is too young to read, she can point to the pictures and tell you a story based on them. Check out these St. Patrick’s Day children’s books that your little reader will absolutely adore!
How to Catch a Leprechaun, by Adam Wallace and Andy Elkerton. This eye-catching easy read teaches your child a (fictional) lesson on how to catch these magical creatures. Your little one might just want to make her very own leprechaun trap after she’s done reading.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Curious George, by H.A. Rey. Curious George is a childhood favorite, and he’s helping your family celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! He looks for leprechauns, does some Irish dancing and even goes to a parade.
The Luckiest St. Patrick’s Day Ever, by Teddy Slater and Ethan Long. A leprechaun family is enjoying the day, going to a parade and having a fun feast. It’s got rhymes and bold pictures, making it perfect for your young child.
The Story of the Leprechaun, by Katherine Tegen and Sally Anne Lambert. He’s a shoemaker, and he’s also a leprechaun. This tale is the story of a magical friend and his hidden pot of gold.
The Little Leprechaun Who Loved Yellow, by Sally Huss. This cute and colorful children’s book is the story of a leprechaun who loves all of the hues. But, yellow (also the color of gold) is his favorite!