Celebrate World Book and Copyright Day


April 23rd marks World Book and Copyright Day. Created to highlight literature, this holiday is also the date when some of the great world authors (Shakespeare, Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega) died. In recognition of this day, treat your child to some literature-themed activities! What can you do to celebrate World Book and Copyright Day at home?

Read a book. This is the easiest (and most obvious) way to celebrate the day. Instead of sticking to the same old stories, set this day apart by exploring a new-to-you author. Take a trip to the library and check out a few good reads that your child doesn’t already know by heart.

Write a book. While it’s not likely that your first grader will pen her own novel in this one day activity, she can make a mini book. Fold together pieces of computer paper (book-style). Make a cover and back with a folded piece of card stock. Staple the paper at the seam, and decorate the front. Write a short story inside, adding pictures with crayons, pencils or markers.

Get in some geography. In preparation for this day, organizations from major world-wide libraries, publishers and booksellers select a World Book Capital. The ‘capital’ city holds a one-year title – until the next World Book and Copyright Day. Visit the United Nation’s website to learn about the current year’s pick, helping your child to research the capital and learn more about the city’s culture.

Share a book. Go a step beyond reading together and share a book with someone else. Volunteer to read at a local nursing home or donate a book to a children’s charity.