Children’s Books to Read on World Day for Cultural Diversity
May 21st marks World Day for Cultural Diversity. This special day provides the perfect opportunity to help your child learn about other cultures and why we don’t all look and act the same. It’s also an ideal day to help your child to think about how they treat others. Don’t worry if you aren’t an expert when it comes to cultures from across the globe. If you’re not sure where to start, these children’s books can spark a conversation and get your child thinking.
The Judgmental Flower by Julia Cook and Anita DuFalla: If your young child is struggling with the concept of same/different (when it comes to cultural diversity), this flower-themed picture book can help. Instead of people, this book uses flower characters to help kids better understand each other.
The Big Book of Holidays and Cultural Celebrations by Suzanne I. Barchers: This classroom resource for kindergarteners and young grade schoolers isn’t just for use at school. Parents can use this mega-collection to help their children discover the holidays and rituals of other cultures through activities, crafts, puzzles and more.
My Food, Your Food by Lisa Bullard: This bright picture book helps young children to understand diversity through the eyes of food. The story features a young boy, Manuel, and his school’s “food week.” Each child in Manuel’s class eats a different food that represents a different culture. After reading this book, try making some of the foods featured in the story with your child!