Summer Solstice Activities for Kids

The June Solstice marks the first official day of summer. Even though the pool may open on Memorial Day weekend, it isn’t until between June 20th and June 22nd that summer truly starts! How can you celebrate this holiday with your family? From summer-time-only activities to science explorations, check out these fun-filled ideas for kids of all ages.
Summer Foods Picnic
What are your family’s favorite summer snacks? Pack a picnic of fresh foods such as tomatoes (add some basil and cheese to make sandwiches), strawberries and grilled zucchini and set out a blanket for a lunch outdoors. Go to the park or have your holiday picnic right in your own backyard.
Solstice Science
During the June solstice the sun’s rays point directly at the Tropic of Cancer. This means that the northern hemisphere moves closer to the sun and the southern hemisphere shifts away. Use a globe and a flashlight to recreate the sun’s position over the Earth on this day.
Get Crafty
Celebrate the solstice with a sunny craft. Collage yellow and orange tissue paper onto a cardboard circle to make your very own sun, paint a summer mural onto poster board with temperas or cover a balloon with paper mache (and yellow paint) to make a sunny model.
Take a Dip
Whether you head out to the pool, beach, lake or creek, summer is the time to swim. Go on a solstice family outing to your nearest body of water.