Interantional Volunteer Day Ideas for Children

How can you help your child to celebrate International Volunteer Day? This day falls on December 5 and marks a time to recognize the impact of volunteers. If you’re looking for a way to get your kids involved and help them to help others, check out these child-friendly volunteer ideas!
Donate to a Food Pantry
If your child is too young to ‘work’ in a volunteer position, they can still help you to pick out items for a food pantry. Take a trip to the grocery store or revisit what you already have at home. Help your child to pick a few healthy, nonperishable items to donate.
Sort Items In a Food Pantry
While they can still help to find or choose donations, older children and teens can also volunteer in a food pantry—sorting or bagging/boxing food.
Craft Holiday Cards for Seniors
With the holiday season coming up nursing homes often need card donations. Residents who don’t have loved ones nearby will enjoy the handmade cards your child crafts. Contact local hospitals, nursing homes and other senior facilities to ask how your young artist can help.
Visit with Potential Pets
Animal shelters rely on plenty of volunteer help. Talk to you local shelter and ask what your child can do based on their age. These opportunities may include walking dogs, reading to animals or bringing food or toys to animals in need.