International Youth Day Art Activities

Celebrate International Youth Day with a few artsy activities! This holiday (held on August 12th) recognizes the accomplishments of young people. Help your child to get creative on this special day, making an imaginative artwork with a Youth Day theme. Check out these art activities for kids of all ages. You can adapt the project to fit your child’s age, developmental level and needs.
Mighty Mural
Roll out the butcher paper (or use solid, light-colored gift wrap) to make a background for a movable mural. Ask your child to draw a scene that features notable children from throughout history or encourage her to create a visual story that shows how she is changing the world. Hang the mural up on a wall or outside of your house (as long as it isn’t raining, of course).
Who are the important youth figures in your child’s life? Maybe they are young Olympic athletes. Maybe they are your child’s best friends. Or, maybe they are siblings. Have your child pick a person (a young person, that is) and draw a portrait. Use colored pencils, markers, crayons, oil pastels, water colors or chalk to create this work of art.
Creative Collage
Page through magazines or newspapers, looking for photos of famous young adults. Talk to your child about these people, helping her to understand the difference between a teen/young person who is a role model and a celebrity who isn’t exactly someone who children should follow. Ask your child to explain the difference between being accomplished and being ‘popular’. Cut out pictures of the positive role models and glue them onto a poster board, creating a kid-themed collage!