World Day for Cultural Diversity Activities for Children

kids' cooking

May 21st marks World Day for Cultural Diversity. Help your child to understand the similarities and differences between people of different geographic areas, religions and more with these fun-filled family-friendly activities.

Visit a Museum

There are plenty of ways to learn about different cultures by visiting art, history and natural history museums. View art from other places and times, engage in an interactive exhibit that features people from another culture or choose another area of the world to find artifacts from. Discuss what your child views, pointing out the cultural significance of each object or art item.

Make a Meal

Spend family-time cooking together! Select a meal that’s unique to another culture. Talk about how the meal differs from what your family typically eats before starting to cook. Let younger children mix and measure, while older kids and teens get more in-depth in the kitchen.

Read a Book

If you’re not sure where to start in this cultural exploration, begin with a book. Visit the library and choose a few different books that feature other people and places. Create a balance between nonfiction and fiction picks, including everything from real stories about children from other cultures to mythology. Read the books interactively, taking time to talk about the content and the pictures.