4 Fun Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

Easter activity

The annual Easter egg hunt is a major hit with your kids. But, they’re getting tired of the same old search and seek game. This year, step up your holiday egg hunt and get creative with it. Check out these ideas for turning the Easter tradition into an awesomely imaginative fun time!

The Golden Egg

Even though you’re hiding dozens of brightly-colored eggs, only one of them is gold. And, it’s this golden egg that has the best treasure! Cover one plastic Easter egg in gold foil or use gold glitter to decorate the outside. Hide something extra special inside, such as a small toy or a coupon for picking what everyone plays on family game night.

Scavenger Hunt

Instead of randomly looking for eggs, set up a clue-filled scavenger hunt. Split the kids into teams and give them clues. Each clue leads to a different stash of eggs. This is ideal for older kids who may be bored with the typical version.

Time It

Ready, set, go! Set a stop watch and count down to see who gets the most eggs. Another option is to time each child, seeing who can fill their basket the fastest.

Obstacle Course

Set the eggs up inside of an activity-packed obstacle course. The kids will need to weave around cones. army crawl and jump over other obstacles to get to their eggs!