Purim Party Crown-Making Station Craft for Kids

kids' craft

Are you planning a Purim party? Or maybe you’re the parent in charge of the synagogue’s Purim festival. Whatever the reason is—you need a holiday activity that’s fit for a group. This crown-making station idea is an artsy way to help the kids celebrate the day. And bonus, they can use the crafty crowns as part of their Purim costumes!

What You’ll Need

  • Construction paper
  • Markers and crayons
  • Scissors
  • Masking tape
  • Peel and stick craft felt shapes
  • Optional: Peel and stick jewels or sequins

How-To Steps

  1. Pre-cut the crown shapes. This makes the activity easier. Chances are that you’ll have plenty of kids flocking to this craft. Instead of having to wait in long lines as every child cuts their own crown out, each child can picks and choose their own ready-cut crown in their favorite color. To cut the shapes, turn 8×10-inch construction paper horizontally. Draw the triangle crown points across the center of the paper. Cut the crown shape out.
  2. Ask each child to choose two pieces of pre-cut crown paper. They can pick two of the same, or two different, colors.
  3. Tape the crown papers together at the center.
  4. Decorate the crown. The children can use markers, crayons or peel and stick felt pieces. You can also add in extra-extravagant peel and stick sequins.
  5. Size the crown to fit the child’s head. Tape the crown together at the ends. If needed, cut off any excess paper.

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