Tu B’ Shevat Tree Art for Kids
Celebrate the Jewish “New Year for Trees”, Tu B’Shevat, with a few creative crafts for your kids. Help your little artist to explore their crafty side and learn more about the holiday with these easy ideas!
3D Trees
Craft three-dimensional mini trees with reused cardboard tubes, tissue paper and paint. Your child can paint a paper towel tube brown, creating a trunk. When the paint dries, add fluffy green tissue paper to the top to make leaves.
Tree Prints
Use real tree bark to print tree shapes onto construction paper. Search for fallen bark outside in your yard, a park or other similar space. Dip the pieces of bark into tempera paint and press it onto paper to create an artsy print. Use brown paint to print a trunk and green for the leaves. Your child can make several prints, with one for each season, using different colors for the leaves.
Tree Portraits
Visit your child’s favorite tree! Whether it’s a tall pine, an oak or any other type of tree, now is the time for your child to create a portrait that captures the beauty of nature. Bring paper, pens, crayons and markers outside. Find a place to work and let your kiddo re-create the tree on paper.
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