Posts Tagged "chanukkah"

Easy Hanukkah Holiday Treats

Celebrate each of Hanukkah’s eight nights with a festive, and family-friendly, food. You don’t have to prep a full multi-course dinner for each night. Instead try these snacks, desserts and other holiday treats. And bonus, the kids can help you to make these super-simple recipes! Cut-Out Cookies Make a menorah — with cookies. Use cookie cutters to make rectangle and oval shapes. Whip up a batch of your favorite sugar cookies or use a mix. After baking the cookies, and letting them cool, frost them. The rectangles will be the menorah’s base and the candles, with the ovals as flames....

Menorah Kids’ Crafts for Hanukkah

You light the menorah on each of the eight nights of Hanukkah. As you add a flame to each candle, your young child sits back and watches. Obviously, your preschooler is too little to handle to real candles (with flames). Instead of feeling left out, include your child with her own handmade menorah. When you light each candle on the real deal, she can add a tissue paper or construction paper flame to hers. Check out these crafty Hanukkah menorah ideas. Cardboard Tubes Recycle and reuse those paper towel tubes, and turn them into a faux menorah. Cut the tubes...