Posts Tagged "world ozone layer day"

World Ozone Layer Day Activities for Preschoolers

September 16th is World Ozone Layer Day. While your preschooler may not completely understand the science behind ozone depletion, that doesn't mean you can't mark this day with a lesson (or a few!) on the subject. Starting early is an easy way to help your child develop a true understanding of the impact that people have on the planet. These activities are simple solutions if you're not sure how to share information on the ozone layer and other similar topics. In-Home Scavenger Hunt This isn't exactly the type of scavenger hunt your kiddos are used to. Instead of searching for...

Kids’ Activities for World Ozone Layer Day

Your budding environmentalist can learn a thing or two (or more) by celebrating World Ozone Layer Day. September 16th marks this Earth-friendly day. If your child shows an interest in science and helping out the environment, check out these activity ideas. Read a Book Start out your Ozone Day activities with some research. Read a book with your child that features a non-fiction account of what’s happening to the environment. Books such as “The Ozone Layer” by Rhonda Lucas Donald, “Mario and the Hole in the Sky” by David Diaz and Elizabeth Rusch or “Ozone Hole” by Sally Morgan are...

Children’s Books for World Ozone Layer Day

September 16th marks World Ozone Layer Day. Understanding the effects that depleting the ozone layer causes may be a challenge for young children, but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate this special ‘day’ with them. How can your little one acknowledge World Ozone Layer Day (without you having to get overly technical or lecture her on scientific concepts)? Help your child to understand about the environment, and our impact on it, with a few easy-to-read books that focus on global warming and climate change. Read the books with (or to) your child, and then start a discussion. Kids’ Climate Change...

World Ozone Layer Day Activities

World Ozone Layer Day is September 16. Sure, there aren’t any presents, parades or parties. But, this holiday happens to be eco-important to a high degree! Without the ozone layer humans, animals and all of the Earth’s living creatures wouldn’t be able to exist. The release of chemicals (such as CFCs) into the air depletes ozone, leading to destruction in the atmospheric layer. In recognition of World Ozone Layer Day gather the kids together and try a few of these Earth-friendly activities! Science Screen Try a simple science experiment, showing your child how the ozone layer protects the Earth’s surface...